Dr. Marlene Rentería

Graduated from the Mexican School of Medicine of La Salle University, her residency of general sur-gery was done at “Dario Fernández Fierro General Hospital, I.S.S.S.T.E”, graduated in Plastic, Aes-thetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Centro Médico Nacional, 20 de Noviembre, I.S.S.S.T.E.

Graduated as sub-specialist in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery recognized by the main authority of studies in Mexico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

With surgical practices in Brazil, with the expert in posterior contour , maximum exponent in gluteal implants in a muscular plane, Dr. Raúl González (Ribeirão Preto). In Curitiba, Brazil I realized procedures and surgical practices with Dr. Ruth Graf; expert in breast im-plants by axillary incisions, breast lift, body contouring techniques and facelift.

-Member of the Mexican Association of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, AMCPER
-Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, ASPS
-Certified by the Mexican Council of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery A.C.
-Member of the Mexican College of Plastic Surgeons of Mexican Valley

I had participated in multiple altruistic brigades: Breast Reconstruction, Reconstruction for patients with Cleft Lip and Palate, Hand Reconstruction, and Reconstruction of Burn Patients.
Participated in International Congresses, acknowledged papers in Chennai, India.

Success stories

When I decided to have this surgery, I had many doubts, fears, uncertainty. With the help of Marlene and her detailed explanations, many of my questions were solved. This in the technical and scientific aspect. But, the best part of her is the affection, the delicacy and attention that gave me from the beginning. A human doctor, affectionate, concerned, committed. The progressive results have been wonderful, I look and feel great. Thank you very much Marlene, I am very grateful to you for the whole process. I love you so much.

Guadalupe Baez Hernández

Post operated of Rhytidoplasty

I am very satisfied with the change and very grateful to Dr. Marlene Rentería, who showed professionalism, experience and above all gave me confidence since during the appointments prior to the procedure clarified all my doubts, I highly recommend it ...!

Anel Juárez Altuzar

Regular patient

I can not express my gratitude to Dr. Marlene Renteria; when she put her magic to work after having cut off a large part of a finger, needing a graft. The attention, the company and the willingness to perfection do not make me hesitate to give anyone my highest recommendation

Georg Tielmann

Reconstructive surgery

Extraordinary treatment with botulinum toxin that Dr. Marlene Renteria applied to me. She has the sensibility and the aesthetic perception to refresh the face in a natural way. It's amazing the change in my face.

Anabel Pagaza Arroyo

Regular patient


Facial Aesthetic Surgery

Stylize your face through the latest medical techniques There are several treatments that can work, get to know all the options I have for you.

Facial rejuvenation without scalpel

Do you want to feel young and lose years? There are techniques without surgery with which we can perform, such as peeling, application of botulinic toxin and fillers with hyaluronic acid; Click here for more information.

Body Aesthetic Surgery

State-of-the-art surgeries that help shape your body, just the way you want it, always taking care of your well-being. Mammoplasty, Liposuction, implants and much more. See all I can offer you.

Reconstructive surgery

Have you had an accident? Have you had congenital deffects? Correction of birth defects, burns and accidents have a solution, learn about your options and obtain a certified medical evaluation.

Plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery