
Does the fat on your arms bother you? This surgery aimes for those patients who have an excess of tis-sue or laxity of the skin in the arms.
There are different correction techniques depending on the amount of excess tissue. If excess tissue is little, it can be corrected with liposuction and some radiofrequency sessions to achieve optimal results. If excess tissue is moderate, resection of excess skin and tissue will be needed. Scars can be hidden in the armpit when the surplus is moderate. If the skin excess is severe, an incision will have to be made in the inner portion of the arm that can be diminished with postoperative care. In the postoperative pe-riod, it is necessary to use a girdle type of bandage for couple of weeks.
Make your appointment for a personalized assessment.

We always long for visions of beauty, we always dream of unknown worlds.

— Maximo Gorki (1868-1936), Russian Writer.