Breast Implants

Do you want to look spectacular this summer?
Breast augmentation through prosthesis is performed in the operating room with general anesthesia or sedation and local anesthesia, there are different inci-sions that depends on the anatomy of the patient and is assessed in the preoperative consultation (axil-lary, periareolar and inframammary). A pocket is made in the tissues below the mammary gland (this is why even having implants you can breast-feed, it does not interfere in that anatomical region with this surgery or, under the muscle (in very thin people), it is placed a new silicone implant (with guarantees and with all the necessary approvals) and then the incisions are closed. The patient can be discharged from the hospital on the same day. The size of the implant is are decided jointly in the office and tested different sizes by means of testers and a special brassiere. The recovery time is from 7 to 10 days.
Schedule your appointment! look a spectacular body!
Make your appointment for a personalized assessment.

A beautiful body perishes, but a work of art dies not.

— Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian Artist, Sculptor and Inventor.