
Does the shape of your thighs bother you? Due to continuous changes in weight, age or simply due to the laxity of the tissues, there may be a lack of firmness in the inner portion of the thighs. There is cru-roplasty, or lifting of the medial portion of the thighs.
In this surgery an incision is made in the inguinal region under general anesthesia or by local anes-thisia, and the surplus of skin and tissue is removed, tissue remains firm with internal sutures. The pa-tient must stay one day hospitalized for of analgesics, antibiotics and monitoring. A postoperative peri-od of 15 days with relative rest should be considered to reduce possible complications.
Make your appointment for a personalized assessment.

Beauty is a letter of recommendation that earns our hearts in advance.

— Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German Philosopher.