Gluteal implants with Brazilian technique

Do you want a spectacular figure? The gluteal implants are placed in such a way that they have a natu-ral appearance. It is indicated to be placed in those thin patients who are not candidates for lipo injec-tion (Placement of fat from the same patient in the gluteal region) and wish to improve the appearance of the buttocks. It is performed by an incision in the intergluteal portion and a pocket is made to fit the implant in an intramuscular location. It is necessary to place drains, which are removed within a few days after surgery. The surgery is done lying down, with general anesthesia or a combined anesthesia. It should be contemplated 10 days of relative rest in the postoperative period.
Make your appointment for a personalized assessment.

Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners.

— William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British poet and playwright.