
Do you want to improve your silhouette? Without a doubt it is the most performed surgery worldwide.
This procedure consists of removing the adipocytes (fat cells) by means of very thin cannulae; the fat extracted can be placed as a graft in any area of the body, for more volume, the areas with greater de-mand for fatty graft are: gluteal region, calf and facial region. It is advisable to stay at least one day in hospital for monitoring and medications, analgesia, antibiotics and antithrombotic drugs.
Within post-surgical care, it is very important to walk as soon as possible to increase venous return to the heart. The definitive changes can be observed from the third to the sixth month, as tissues require to reduce inflammation.
Make your appointment for a personalized assessment.

Beauty, the less dressed, the better dressed is.

— John Fletcher (1579-1625), British playwright.